Írások (magyar)
Írások (angol)
CSHN improved version 6.

Galamb:         You lied to me evil son of devil,

                        Now I have to revil…

                        But you can see how mercy am I,

                        I forget your sins, you don’t have to cry,

                        And now give me that free cigar,

                        Then you can go to the nearest bar

                        And have a beer or something,

                        Then I will come after you when I have done the thing.


CSHN:            Of course, my son. Here is a lighter,

                        Drink the gasoline, than light a fire,

                        And be happy, hello, ciao, sayonara,

                        You can go into hell’s darkest bugyrába.


<Galamb felgyújtja magát, szépen ég, csudijó. CSHN elmegy kocsmázni>


Death:             It is as nice as the candle was on my 1000th birthday cake,

                        But this is real fire, not just fake!


Narrator:         So only the bad guy is still alive,

                        He is drinking beer and eating shive,

                        But this is not a happy ending,

                        You know the Rammstein’s singer singing

                        We are all living in America, so

                        We need a happy ending now.


Angels:           This can’t happen! It can’t be true!

                        This punishment is undue!


Death:             No, my innocent friend,

                        This is the story’s endest end,

                        I won the bet, you pay a beer for me,

                        You mustn’t think about she,

                        The girl, who “unfortunately” died again,

                        So pay me a beer, that’s a good bargain!


God:                Death, death…you are so cruel.

                        The evil won the second duel,

                        But I can resurrect the girl,

                        I want to hear again her skirl.

                        So please, corpse, reincarnate now,

                        In the form of a human, not a cow,

                        And punish the evil creature

                        Without childrenmaking feature.


Daughter:       Yes, sir, yes!


Death:             You are all cheating! This is not fair!

                        Look at this girl! It is as dark as its hair!

                        Why, my lord, why did you do this to me?

                        You could manage anybody but she…

                        You sabotaged my reality show,

                        But I will have a glorious victory, I don’t know how!


Narrator:         So the little turn-into-gold-featureless girl

                        Was happy, let us to hear her skirl,

                        Then went to find the anticherub

                        Who was sitting and shitting in the pub.


Daughter:       …………….! I am here,

                        So there is a reason why you have to fear!

                        I will destroy you now, immediately,

                        I won’t fogok itt cicózni,

                        I gonna tear down your beautiful impotent testicle sack,

                        You will feel on your face a smack,

                        Blood will dash out of your face,

                        In your back there will be a mace,

                        I gonna eat every limbs of yours,

                        That too which is only boys’,

                        Ha, ha, your end is near,

                        I gonna push up in your ass a pear,

                        I know you will enjoy it,

                        But that’s not my bit,

                        So I think I will blast you into meatnuggets,

                        You will be in lot of pieces, I suggest.


CSHN:            Not really, my sweet darling,

                        I killed you twice, I killed the king,

                        Three is the Hungarian thruth, one is the extra,

                        So at your grave I will chant a Hare Krisna,

                        Don’t worry, be happy, s*ck my d*ck,

                        You will suffer from a hard kick,

                        You are small now, but you will be smaller,

                        I mean I will cut you into pieces by a meatcleaver,

                        I will blow your head off, push up a pencilbattery in your hole,

                        I will do ten times this whole,

                        And then I hope you will stuck in hell forever,

                        I will use every handy lever,

                        So I will win this last battle and prevent you from life,

                        I will push up into you a beehive,

                        Ha, ha, it will be glorious and I will be brave,

                        I gonna piss on your shitty grave!


God:                One must fall! Ready? Fight!


<Jó kis csata már megint. Jó hosszú. Fegyver valami vicces stuff. Daughter nyer.

Nyugi, cask vicc volt. Alaposan megdöglik, kackarac.>


God:                Ahh… I expect there won’t be happy end here,

                        Yeah, we should drop a drip of tear,

                        And bury him under a ton of mud,

                        We don’t have to cud,

                        This is the end, no more resurrection,

                        I am really bored with this action,

                        I am so sorry, but now I have to do important things

                        With my angels in the heaven, hear their sings,

                        Watch them, smell them, taste them,

                        Make some amateur artistic films with my cam,

                        Sell them to human mortals for much money,

                        As the heaven’s sweetest honey!


Death:             Hey, angels, I am sorry to say that

                        But now it is sure that I’ve won the bet,

                        So you pay a round for me,

                        And of course you pay every fee.

                        First of all, I would like some beer,

                        It is the beginning of endless cheer!


Narrator:         So in some ways it is happy ending,

                        There is big ceremony, big drinking,

                        As in every yankee film nowadays.

                        The immortals are still alive, the AIDS kills lot of gays,

                        CSHN lives happily at the counter protected by liquids,

                        Nowadays he try to eat more and more kids.

                        God is still god, angels are still angels,

                        The death still sends people between dangers

                        In order to stop overpopulation of the Earth,

                        For example with the killing of these slaughter girls.

                        Here is the end, run away with it,

                        I have done my bit,

                        I told you the story of birds, humans and immortals,

                        This is the end, thanks for your attention, elvtárs,

                        I hope you have enjoyed this little production,

                        And I hope you could find out the conclusion:



Carnage                     mészárlás

Cuff                             pofon

Facilities                    adottságok

Presence                   jelenlét

Warden                      téli körte

Incarnate                    megtestesült


Gore                           alvadt vér

Crone                         banya

Lust                             bujaság

Bless                          áldás

Astray                         téves irányba

Tit                                csöcs

Anhydrous                  elszáradt

Butch                          leszbikus nő férfi szerepben

Duel                            párharc

Tray                             tálca

Curst                           átok

Kin                              rokon

Ruffles                        fodrok

Puffy                            dagadt

Bent                            hajlam

Hind                            szarvastehén

Obsequy                     gyászszertartás

Discipline                   követő

Revil                            gyaláz

Shive                          snidling

Undue                         túlzott

Skirl                            visító hang

Cud                             felkérődzött táplálék


Indulás: 2005-01-15

Elfelejtettem a jelszót

Ide a közeljövő eseményeinek listája kerül.

Közeljövőben várható:
SEMMI, mert lusta vagyok/nincs kedvem/nincs mivel frissíteni.

SEMMI, a fent említett okok miatt.


Dzsémsz Petrovics Bond

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